Latest News

News / 08.07.2020

At 9.00am on Monday 22nd June, The Welsh Government sanctioned the partial re-opening of the residential property market, 6 weeks after England. The response and activity has been good.  From the first day the level of telephone calls and email enquiries has been large.  Property viewings...

News / 18.06.2020

The answer is unfortunately, NO. According to current regulations covering the coronavirus pandemic, it clearly states that you should not enter a building for any purpose related to buying or renting a residential property that is not yours, with or without the owner. You are permitted to...

News / 25.03.2020

Following the Governments Directive, we have been required to close our offices. However, we are working remotely and have 24 hour telephone contact, where you can leave a message and we will endeavour to come back to you.  Please use this for important matters only. The ‘Latest...