The staff and directors at Kelvin Francis Limited, Estate Agents, were delighted to raise £430.00 in support of the Noah’s Ark Christmas Stocking Appeal. They organised a Father Christmas Open Day at their offices, with raffle prizes, mince pies, teas, coffees, mulled wine and other festive treats, in the true spirit of Christmas. Lots of exited children met Father Christmas and brought along letters for Santa with their wish list requests.
Tony Filice from Kelvin Francis said ”Although we regularly donate to charities, this was the first time, Kelvin Francis as a team collaterally organised a fund raising event. We chose Noah’s Ark Appeal as our charity as it is the only charity supporting the Children’s Hospital for Wales, which is on our doorstep in the capital, doing many amazing things for children in Wales. We wanted to contribute in some way to raise the awareness of Noah’s Ark Appeal and for more people to get involved in the fund raising activity, for such a worthy cause.
“Our team at Kelvin Francis are already planning the next Noah’s Ark Appeal charity function, such was the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the Father Christmas Open Day.” he added.

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