Parts of the Property Press are reporting that some owners are reluctant to accept that prices are no longer rising.  This is evidenced by the large numbers of properties that are being reduced in price each day, possibly because of the owner’s expectations being too high, or possibly because of flawed advice.

To secure the best figure in the market, the property must be correctly priced.  This will be supported by the latest market evidence.  This then will attract buyers from the correct price band and if at this early stage the presentation is impactful, an owner may be lucky and achieve interest from several parties.  If this happens it is quite feasible to secure offers of the full asking price and if sufficient interest is generated, even higher than that.

If over-priced at the start however, this early impetus will be lost and almost certainly the sale will take much longer to agree and even then, at a figure, somewhat lower than could have been possible.

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